
Project Organization Workflow:

  1. Organize each project in its own directory with associated documents, data, code, and results.

  2. Structure directories logically with separate folders for documentation, data, source code, and compiled programs.

  3. Use descriptive filenames to reflect the content or function of files.

Code and Software Workflow:

  1. Begin each script or program with a brief explanatory comment.

  2. Decompose programs into functions with descriptive names and clear input/output descriptions.

  3. Eliminate duplication by writing reusable functions and avoiding copy-pasting of code.

  4. Give meaningful names to functions and variables for improved readability.

  5. Document dependencies and requirements explicitly.

  6. Avoid commenting/uncommenting code sections to control program behavior.

  7. Provide simple examples or test datasets for users to run and test the program.

Collaboration Workflow:

  1. Create an overview of the project, including title, description, contact info, and guidelines for contributions.

  2. Define contribution guidelines, dependencies, and tests.

  3. Maintain a shared "to-do" list for project tasks.

  4. Establish communication strategies and channels for effective collaboration.

  5. Define processes for handling sensitive data and sharing data securely.

  6. Explicitly specify the project's license for legal clarity.

  7. Ensure the project is citable to facilitate recognition and attribution.

Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) Workflow:

  1. Use ELNs for documenting experiments, research data, and processes.

  2. Enhance documentation with annotations, metadata, and versioning.

  3. Structure and visualize workflows and processes within ELNs.

  4. Manage inventories, equipment, and maintenance schedules.

  5. Facilitate collaborations, auditing, and safety/security protocols within ELNs.

Last updated